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Let us help you troubleshoot!

Trouble with your Employee ID

1Locate Your Employee ID Number (LPCH: not your SID)

Reference the "Employee ID" field on your paystub.

If you are an SHC employee, you may also use your SID to login

Still having problems?

2Contact your Human Resources Department

For SHC employees please call 650-723-HR4U (4748)

For LPCH employees please call 650-721-5400


Enter Your Employee ID

Please enter your employee ID to see your personal benefits.



Enter Your Password

Please enter your administrator password to access admin view.
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Group C


IMPORTANT INFORMATION About Your 2019 Retiree Medical Benefits Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment is your once-a-year chance to review, make changes to, or confirm your 2019 Stanford Health Care/Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford retiree medical benefits. This year, Open Enrollment is:

Monday, November 5 – Friday, November 16, 2018

Your 2019 Benefits Open Enrollment packet was mailed to your home providing information about your retiree medical benefits. You can also click the links below to view details about your plan options and what’s new for 2019, or to see the medical plan comparison chart.



If you have any questions or are unsure of the Retiree Medical Group your benefits are associated, contact the Benefits Service Center at
1-855-278-7157 (Mon-Fri, 5AM- 5PM PT).